Monday, June 28, 2010

Burn baby burn....

Look at that sexy guy next to the Helicopter!!!

Here is the start of my fire season, basically starting our own fires for cleaning out the heavy woods, but still cool none the less. Here are some good pictures of it all, and for my wife, don't freak out!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ace of cakes

So what do you get when you get three bored Grindstaff sisters together, with nothing to do...cake decorating contest. Ace of cakes has some serious competition coming their way.

This is mine and Emily's cake. (this pictures actually makes it look better than it really did). This is exactly why my mom is in charge of making all of my kids birthday cakes from now on...its the memories that matter.

This is Jacob's disturbed interpretation of what a Halloween cake should look like.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hannah's tea party birthday

Lilly got to celebrate her best friend Hannah's 3rd birthday party the first part of March. It was so much fun. It was really fun for me because it was the first time I have gotten out of the house since we brought Kate home. Very nice to have adult conversation again! Emmylou had such a fun idea. It was a tea party themed birthday...complete with a real tea set.

Such cute little girls. They each got to eat their finger food on their own tea fun. The day was even extra special because everyone had to wear their favorite tea party dresses. Lilly had fun getting dressed up. Emmylou even had dress up jewelry for everyone to wear and take home.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baby pictures by Bethany

Thnaks Bethany these turned out sooooo good! we are having a hard time deciding which ones to use.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Home at last!!!

I dont have much time. I just wanted to let everyone know little kate is coming home tomorrow!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good news!!!

Today was the first day the the nurses actually gave us a timeline. This is a good sign because up until now all we kept hearing was that she wouldn't be leaving until her original due date (march 2). This was soooo frustrating. This morning we were told she could be leaving as early as wed. YAY!!! She has to finish her antibiotics first and she will be done with those on wed. She is still needing a little bit of oxygen but the nurse wasn't worried about that. She said that she is progressing really well so winging her off the oxygen should go well. We love our little girl. She has been such a champ through all of this and is such a fighter. Lilly has been great to. We cant wait until we finally get to be a family together at home. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully our next post will be of us taking our little Kate home.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Making Progress

Here we are, day 7 in the NICU. Kate is a week old and looking really good. We were able to give her a little sponge bath for the very first time today. Here are a couple pictures that we were able to take with her oxygen tubes off and all cleaned up.

Thanks Sam and Nichole for the new clothes!

Here is bath time, she sure has an Allen butt.


Here is Kate's new bed. She graduated from the incubator to a regular old bassinet/crib/plastic tub thingy.

Things are definitely getting better. It seems like she's been here forever but only 1 week isn't too bad. She is eating great and growing almost an ounce a day. They tell us not too much longer, but no one knows how long, but we think it will be really soon that we can finally take her home and she can meet her big sister!!! LILLY!!!

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We'll keep you updated when she can finally come home!!